Lyn Alderson

Copywriter, Journalist, Blogger

How an e-book can help your business

What’s your business?

Marketing? Landscape gardening? Selling beauty products? Fixing cars?

It really doesn’t matter what your profession is, writing an e-book can have huge commercial benefits, and all sorts of positive knock-on effects.

After writing my e-book The Write Therapy: How Keeping a Journal Can Make You Happier, Healthier and More Productive,  I gained a new client in the US.

She had read my book, connected with the subject matter, visited my website, and decided I was the right person to help her with some projects. It was a great experience to gain my first international client and I have had a brilliant time working with a very talented and inspirational lady.

You may not think of yourself as an author, but an e-book might be just what your business needs.

Enhance your reputation

why not enhance your business reputation with an e-book?

Writing an e-book can establish you as an expert

One clever chap wrote about the best way to construct swimming pools, and he has since acquired a huge reputation as an expert in this area. He’s been asked to manage projects, act as an expert witness in court cases, and do many other things  as a result of his book.

Unsure what to write about? Think about a problem you have an answer for. Then turn the answer into a book; it really is that simple.

If you’re not great at writing, just come up with the content and let someone else knock it into shape for you.

Writing an e-book need not cost much if you work on it in your spare time, and it’s free to publish on Amazon and many other platforms.

An e-book can be considerably shorter than a novel. Around 50- 100 pages is a good length, but it could be even shorter depending on its purpose.

Reasons to write an e-book

Here’s four good reasons why your business really needs an e-book:

 To establish yourself as a leading authority in your field

Don’t under-estimate the value of your expert knowledge to people outside your profession or trade. Writing an e-book will raise your profile and help you reach your target audience. You may end up learning even more about your specialist subject as you research your chosen topic. Don’t be afraid to explain your vision and say why your approach makes sense

To earn a passive income

You only have to write your book once. After that it will potentially keep on earning you money. Of course, you will have to publicise it to maximise sales, but you can do that virtually cost-free through social media and press releases.

To grow your email list

You can use an e-book as a modestly priced or free-of-charge incentive for potential clients to join your mailing list. Make your book available for download on your website, and get people to sign up with their name and email address. Don’t abuse this privilege by bombarding people with constant messages, but send out timely offers on your products or services.

To increase traffic to your website

Promote your book through Facebook, Twitter, and other SM channels, and provide a link to drive traffic to your website. That’s likely to lead to further sales for your range of products or services

Integrate your e-book into your business strategy and you will add value and growth to your business. So what’s holding you back?

If you need help from a ghost writer, email

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